Bush Bytes

Videos of our dear leader at his finest.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Pretty Funny, Eh?

Our Dear Leader displaying his odd sense of humor...

Bush Oil Hypocrisy

I guess bush thinks it's ok to play politics with American oil when his ass is on the line...

SNL Bush Admin Lies Cartoon

Humorous animation of many of Bushies' lies...

Debate Lie

It's easy to lie during a debate. Not so easy to get away with it when caught on video...


This video shows Bush directly contradicting his policy of warrentless wiretapping. Is it any wonder people don't trust him anymore?

A Dignified Leader

The camera's rolling? Oops...

Unscripted Answer

Bush answers a legitimate question like a failing 6th grader...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Classic Bushisms

Soooo glad we gots moments like deez on the videos. Makes ya proud to be a Murican!

Future President Bush?

He seems to have gotten his intellect from his uncle GWB.

Bush Pants Like a Dog

more footage of our president acting like an ass...