Bush Bytes

Videos of our dear leader at his finest.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Who Doesn't Believe in Evolution?

This was a good question to weed out the 1st three wackos...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

McCain vs. McCain

A little peek into the windows of the "Straight Talk Express"...

You can see more here

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bush voted #1 villain in America

He beat out bin laden, Saddam, the Iran & N. Korea presidents, and even Satan!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bush Administration Censors Scientists

Yet another reason to hate this democracy-undermining regime:

Downplaying Global Warming

Another sad footnote on the legacy of the Exxon president.

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Friday, December 08, 2006

Weeping Bush

One has to wonder if Bush 41 is weeping in part because his favorite son Jeb will never get to be president because W. completely ruined the Bush brand. He must be sick of bailing him out...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Clark in '08: the anti-Bush

It is now clear that we are suffering from severe Bush-fatigue in the US. The war in Iraq is spiraling into chaos, our reputation in the world is damaged, we're piling up record debt while the middle class is barely keeping up with inflation and battling skyrocketing health care and tuition costs. Thank God the American people had the wisdom to put a check on Bush's destructive agenda. So what will America be looking for in their next president? My answer would be Wes Clark. In Wes you have a 4 star General who grew up poor, went to West Point, majored in economics, graduated at the top of his class, was NATO's Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during the successful campaigns in Bosnia and Kosovo, is well spoken, gives thoughtful answers to tough questions, and has campaigned tirelessly for democrats. Hillary, Obama, Edwards, Kerry, or any other Dem pondering a run can't match his military, executive, or foreign policy experience. He also has strong support among the netroots, who could raise money in small donations like Dean in '04, lessening his debt to corporate donors. I would put my $$$ on Clark to beat McCain, Guiliani, Frist, or any other Republican looking to run. Please visit his website and read his biography, policy positions, and other information and show support for him if you agree with me. Our country has been left with great problems via the Bush administration and will need a great leader to get us back on track.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How Bush Dropped the Ball on al Qaeda

Clinton's question to Fox News' Chris Wallace about what the Bushies had done to get bin Laden prompted Keith Olbermann to put together this informative piece: